Post 8

I can't say if a subject is better than other, because I think that all things that you can study and learn are important and this last situation makes you a complete person that know and talk about different things in different places, and the English is a good help to get this objective. But the thing that I can do is say that there are subjects that I like more than others, for example I like Epistemology of the Social Sciences and Sociology more than Statistics I because I’m better with words than numbers and the topics that we study with these two subjects are so interesting. I like the Epistemology of the Social Sciences contents because it is beautiful to realize that there are different positions about how the human have to know in the social sciences, and the teacher of this subject allows to every student say her or his opinion about the things that we talk and study. Regarding Sociology, I like this subject due to the thinkers that we have to read, wrote about deep things, for example the social injustice. 


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